

1. Mibielli MA, Geller M, Cohen JC, et al. Diclofenac plus B vitamins versus diclofenac monotherapy in lumbago: the DOLOR study. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009;25(11):2589-2599. ​

2. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa MO, Arbeláez Ariza CE. Effect of Combined Diclofenac and B Vitamins (Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cyanocobalamin) for Low Back Pain Management: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pain Med. 2020;21(4):766-781. ​

3. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa M. B Vitamins in the Nervous System: Current Knowledge of the Biochemical Modes of Action and Synergies of Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cobalamin. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2020;26(1):5-13. ​

4. Geller M, Oliveira L, Nigri R, et al. B Vitamins for Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain. Vitam Miner. 2017;6:2. ​

5. Ibor PJ, Sánchez-Magro I, Villoria J, et al. Mixed Pain Can Be Discerned in the Primary Care and Orthopedics Settings in Spain: A Large Cross-Sectional Study. Clin J Pain. 2017;33(12):1100-1108.​

Nuestros componentes​

1. Mibielli MA, Geller M, Cohen JC, et al. Diclofenac plus B vitamins versus diclofenac monotherapy in lumbago: the DOLOR study. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009;25(11):2589-2599. ​

2. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa MO, Arbeláez Ariza CE. Effect of Combined Diclofenac and B Vitamins (Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cyanocobalamin) for Low Back Pain Management: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pain Med. 2020;21(4):766-781. ​

3. Geller M, Oliveira L, Nigri R, et al. B Vitamins for Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain. Vitam Miner. 2017;6:2.

Dolor de cuello

1. IASP. Neck Pain Factsheet. 2010.​

2. [Internet] Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006. Neck pain: Overview. 2010Aug24. [Updated 2019 Feb 14] Available from:​

3. Mendoza Fernández E. Un paciente con dolor cervical. Medicina Integral. 2000;35(8):352-361.​

4. Ibor PJ, Sánchez-Magro I, Villoria J, et al. Mixed Pain Can Be Discerned in the Primary Care and Orthopedics Settings in Spain: A Large Cross-Sectional Study. Clin J Pain. 2017;33(12):1100-1108.​

5. Freynhagen R, Arévalo Parada H, Calderón-Ospina CA, et al. Current understanding of the mixed pain concept: a brief narrative review. Curr Med Res Opin. 2019;35(6):1011-1018.​

6. Mibielli MA, Geller M, Cohen JC, et al. Diclofenac plus B vitamins versus diclofenac monotherapy in lumbago: the DOLOR study. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009;25(11):2589-2599.​

7. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa MO, Arbeláez Ariza CE. Effect of Combined Diclofenac and B Vitamins (Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cyanocobalamin) for Low Back Pain Management: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pain Med. 2020;21(4):766-781.​

8. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa M. B Vitamins in the Nervous System: Current Knowledge of the Biochemical Modes of Action and Synergies of Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cobalamin. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2020;26(1):5-13.

Dolor de Espalda​

1. Allegri M, Montella S, Salici F, et al. Mechanisms of low back pain: a guide for diagnosis and therapy. Version 2. F1000Res. 2016;5:F1000FacultyRev-1530.​

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4. Mibielli MA, Geller M, Cohen JC, et al. Diclofenac plus B vitamins versus diclofenac monotherapy in lumbago: the DOLOR study. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009;25(11):2589-2599.​

5. Ibor PJ, Sánchez-Magro I, Villoria J, et al. Mixed Pain Can Be Discerned in the Primary Care and Orthopedics Settings in Spain: A Large Cross-Sectional Study. Clin J Pain. 2017;33(12):1100-1108.​

6. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. [Internet] Low back pain. [Consultado el 27 de junio de 2020] Disponible en:​

7. Freynhagen R, Arévalo Parada H, Calderón-Ospina CA, et al. Current understanding of the mixed pain concept: a brief narrative review. Curr Med Res Opin. 2019;35(6):1011-1018.​

8. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa MO, Arbeláez Ariza CE. Effect of Combined Diclofenac and B Vitamins (Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cyanocobalamin) for Low Back Pain Management: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pain Med. 2020;21(4):766-781.​

9. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa M. B Vitamins in the Nervous System: Current Knowledge of the Biochemical Modes of Action and Synergies of Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cobalamin. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2020;26(1):5-13.

¿Qué es Dolor Mixto?​

1. Freynhagen R, Arévalo Parada H, Calderón-Ospina CA, et al. Current understanding of the mixed pain concept: a brief narrative review. Curr Med Res Opin. 2019;35(6):1011-1018.​

2. Ibor PJ, Sánchez-Magro I, Villoria J, et al. Mixed Pain Can Be Discerned in the Primary Care and Orthopedics Settings in Spain: A Large Cross-Sectional Study. Clin J Pain. 2017;33(12):1100-1108.​

3. Mibielli MA, Geller M, Cohen JC, et al. Diclofenac plus B vitamins versus diclofenac monotherapy in lumbago: the DOLOR study. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009;25(11):2589-2599.​

4. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa MO, Arbeláez Ariza CE. Effect of Combined Diclofenac and B Vitamins (Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cyanocobalamin) for Low Back Pain Management: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pain Med. 2020;21(4):766-781.​

5. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa M. B Vitamins in the Nervous System: Current Knowledge of the Biochemical Modes of Action and Synergies of Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cobalamin. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2020;26(1):5-13.​

6. Geller M, Oliveira L, Nigri R, et al. B Vitamins for Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain. Vitam Miner.2017;6:2.

Sensaciones del dolor mixto​

1. Freynhagen R, Arévalo Parada H, Calderón-Ospina CA, et al. Current understanding of the mixed pain concept: a brief narrative review. Curr Med Res Opin. 2019;35(6):1011-1018.​

2. Bookbinder M, McHugh ME. Symptom Management in Palliative Care and End of Life Care.​Nurs Clin North Am. 2010;45(3):271-327.​

3. Tölle TR, Baron R, de Bock E, et al. painPREDICT: first interim data from the development of a new patient-reported pain questionnaire to predict treatment response using sensory symptom profiles. Curr Med Res Opin. 2019;35(7):1177-1785.​

4. Ibor PJ, Sánchez-Magro I, Villoria J, et al. Mixed Pain Can Be Discerned in the Primary Care and Orthopedics Settings in Spain: A Large Cross-Sectional Study. Clin J Pain. 2017;33(12): 1100-1108.​

5. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa MO, Arbeláez Ariza CE. Effect of Combined Diclofenac and B Vitamins (Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cyanocobalamin) for Low Back Pain Management: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pain Med. 2020;21(4):766-781.

Tipos de dolor​

1. Treede RD. The International Association for the Study of Pain definition of pain: as valid in 2018 as in 1979, but in need of regularly updated footnotes. Pain Rep. 2018;3(2):e643.​

2. Enright A, Goucke R. The Global Burden of Pain: The Tip of the Iceberg? Anesth Analg.​2016;123(3):529-530.​

3. Fillingim RB. Individual differences in pain: understanding the mosaic that makes pain personal. Pain. 2017;158(Suppl.1):S11-S18.​

4. British Pain Society. [Internet] Understanding and managing pain: information for patients. [Consultado el 17 de mayo de 2020] Disponible en:​

5. Bookbinder M, McHugh ME. Symptom Management in Palliative Care and End of Life Care.​Nurs Clin North Am. 2010;45(3):271-327.​

6. Paice JA. Understanding nociceptive pain. Nursing. 2002;32(3):74-75.​

7. Freynhagen R, Arévalo Parada H, Calderón-Ospina CA, et al. Current understanding of the mixed pain concept: a brief narrative review. Curr Med Res Opin. 2019;35(6):1011-1018.​

8. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa MO, Arbeláez Ariza CE. Effect of Combined Diclofenac and B Vitamins (Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cyanocobalamin) for Low Back Pain Management: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pain Med. 2020;21(4):766-781.

Dolor musculoesquelético​

1. IASP. Acute Musculoskeletal Pain Factsheet.​

2. Freynhagen R, Arévalo Parada H, Calderón-Ospina CA, et al. Current understanding of the mixed pain concept: a brief narrative review. Curr Med Res Opin. 2019;35(6):1011-1018.​

3. Mibielli MA, Geller M, Cohen JC, et al. Diclofenac plus B vitamins versus diclofenac monotherapy in lumbago: the DOLOR study. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009;25(11):2589-2599.​

4. Calderón-Ospina CA, Nava-Mesa MO, Arbeláez Ariza CE. Effect of Combined Diclofenac and B Vitamins (Thiamine, Pyridoxine, and Cyanocobalamin) for Low Back Pain Management: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pain Med. 2020;21(4):766-781.​

5. Geller MM, Oliveira L, Nigri R, et al. B Vitamins for Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain. Vitam Miner. 2017;6:2. ​